Set Up a Safe Summer for Your New Driver

The hot summer months are historically known to be dangerous for new drivers. Roadways are crowded with eager vacationers, inexperienced teens and homebound college students. Teen drivers have crash rates nearly 4 times those of drivers 20 and older per mile drive. High crash rates and the freedom of summer can be a deadly mixture.…

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I Got Hit by a Car on My Bicycle. What Should I Do Next?

Bicycling is both a mode of transportation and a fun, healthy activity; however, it often poses risks, particularly when you are sharing a roadway with motor vehicles. In Pennsylvania in 2020, 22 fatal accidents involved bicyclists. With such high numbers it is important, that as a cyclist, you are aware of Pennsylvania’s bicycle safety laws…

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New motorcycle owner? Here’s what you should know

Summer is the perfect time of year to buy that new motorcycle you have been dreaming about and hit the open road. Motorcycles are efficient on gas and fun for traveling, but even the most experienced riders can find themselves in dangerous situations. That’s why it is important that if you are a new rider,…

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Q&A with Drew Gannon: In PA, can first responders receive workers’ compensation for PTSD?

Approximately 30 percent of first responders develop behavioral health conditions including, but not limited to, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), sometimes referred to as post-traumatic stress injury (PTSI). Being the first to arrive on scenes, continually facing dangerous situations and providing emotional and physical support to survivors are just some of the reasons first…

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5 tips to prevent food poisoning while on vacation

Summer vacations are supposed to be fun times with friends and family, but those moments can take a turn when someone isn’t feeling well. Food poisoning is fairly common in the U.S., and it is likely that someone you know has suffered the effects. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that an estimated…

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How to Plan a Safe Summer Vacation

It’s an exciting time of the year, when children are out of school and families are traveling out of state. If you’re preparing for vacation, below are a few tips to ensure your family stays safe. Before You Leave for Vacation Preparing for vacation starts before you even leave your home. In June, July and…

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Dangers of Texting and Driving

The popularity of mobile devices has grown exponentially over the past 10 years. Today, they connect us to the world around us no matter how far that may be and make our lives extremely convenient. Many people are so connected to their phones that they struggle to disconnect while driving. Texting and driving or texting…

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How to Avoid Injuries Resulting from Animal Bites

Almost every day, humans come into contact with wild and domesticated animals. Although many of these encounters are harmless, some result in injury. According to the World Animal Foundation (WAF), about 4.5 million Americans suffer from a dog bite each year, making it the most common animal-related injury. The WAF also reports that “over 800,000 people bitten…

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Head Injuries: What you need to know

Traumatic brain injury is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S., according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It takes 153 lives every day in the U.S. alone. If you or a loved one experienced a head injury, would you know what to do? Below is information to…

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Q&A with Nancy Mizerak: What is the new veterans disability law coming in February, and how might it affect me?

In 2017, Congress passed the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act also known as the Appeals Modernization Act. In short, the reason behind the act is to process appeals more efficiently. The law takes effect in February 2019. Social security and veterans disability attorney Nancy Mizerak responds below to questions about the new law and…

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4 Tips for Pursuing a Personal Injury Claim

Personal injury claims are one of the most common forms of litigation filed as they happen easily to just about everyone. From auto accidents to property negligence and everything in between, these things happen but need to be taken seriously since the law provides for compensation for individuals who have been harmed due to the…

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5 Helpful Tips to Avoid an Auto Accident Due to Winter Weather

Auto accidents happen for a variety of reasons every day but when you add wintry weather and poor road conditions to the mix, it creates an even higher risk. In 2020, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) recorded 5,756 auto accidents as a result of winter weather. These accidents accounted for 5.5 percent of total…

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What Should I Do Now That My Insurance Claim was Denied?

Don’t panic. While getting a returned claim from your insurance adjuster with the conclusion of it being denied is intimidating and shocking, there are steps you can take to get your claim reviewed and eventually accepted. The insurance claim process can be a tough one, but here’s what you should do when you receive a…

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Older Driver Safety Awareness: Tips for Older Drivers on the Road

Every year, the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) promotes Older Driver Safety Awareness. The goal of the awareness is to promote the importance of mobility and transportation among older drivers and community members. To ensure older drivers are safely active in their communities — shopping, working, volunteering and much more — AOTA aims to prove…

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Tips for Avoiding Holiday Injuries

Ah, the holidays — the most wonderful time of the year. Unfortunately, they can be one of the most dangerous times of the year, too. Holiday accidents can put a damper on a season meant to bring us joy and togetherness. Shopping, get-togethers, travel, decorating, holiday retail and many other factors can put you in…

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The History of Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is an insurance program that provides benefits for employees who have suffered a work-related illness or injury. In exchange for workers’ compensation benefits, employees cannot sue their employer. Sometimes, this limitation can be problematic for the employee. How can they know much they are entitled to for an injury or illness that may…

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Sports Injuries at School: Who is Responsible?

If your child is one of the 30 million children and teens that participate in school-organized athletics, you’re already familiar with the pride of watching from the sidelines while your child plays the sport she loves. However, seeing your child sustain a sports injury is traumatizing and painful for both your child and your family.…

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