What Are High-Pressure Injection Injuries?

Although high-pressure injection injuries are quite rare, it is important to be aware of them in case you are involved in an accident that involves this type of injury. High-pressure injection injuries usually occur when workers and employees are hurt while on the job. However, these types of injuries can also occur while doing something…

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What Is a Compromise & Release Settlement for Workers’ Compensation?

You likely qualify for workers’ compensation benefits when you suffer a workplace injury. Sometimes, you may encounter a compromise and release agreement. These agreements have many intricacies to them. You should understand what they are before you agree and sign. Once you sign these agreements, you may lose your right to additional legal options. Ideally,…

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Legal Options When Your Workers’ Compensation Isn’t Enough

The Pennsylvania workers’ compensation process can be overwhelming. You are a hard worker and did not expect to suffer an injury while on the job. Now, you are trying to navigate the process without jeopardizing your job. Sometimes, workers’ compensation payments are insufficient to cover your losses. This leaves workers in a stressful situation. You…

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How Do Wage Loss Benefits Work in a PA Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Workers’ compensation wage loss benefits play a pivotal role in safeguarding the well-being of employees and ensuring financial security during times of injury or illness. How are wage loss benefits calculated? There are a number of formulas used to calculate an injured worker’s wage rate. Generally speaking, the injured worker’s earnings for the 4 quarters…

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Pennsylvania Court Decided That Workers’ Compensation May Be Responsible for Reimbursing the Cost of Medical Marijuana

The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court recently made the decision that workers’ compensation benefits must reimburse expenses for medical marijuana in certain circumstances. This is great news for workers who use medical marijuana to alleviate their pain and suffering while recovering from various workplace injuries and illnesses. Some people were surprised by the ruling, but Pennsylvania is…

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Remembering the Victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire is a tragic and historic event that took place on March 25, 1911, in New York City. It is considered one of the deadliest industrial disasters in the United States and had a profound impact on labor rights and workplace safety. New York City recently unveiled a memorial dedicated to the…

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