Rural Driving Tips: Taking the Safe, Scenic Route

Have you ever been tempted to take a Sunday drive, or the scenic route to your everyday destinations? Many of us associate warm, pleasant weather with rural driving. While it can be relaxing to drive down the back roads, admiring the sights while listening to your favorite playlist with the windows rolled down, rural driving…

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Future of medical marijuana and workers’ compensation in Pennsylvania: Q&A with Attorney Drew Gannon

In April 2016, Gov. Tom Wolf signed Senate Bill 3 into law, known as the Medical Marijuana Act (hereinafter “MMA”), which will begin the process of implementing Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Program. With the implementation of the program, which is expected to take 18 to 24 months, comes the opportunity for patients who are under a…

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What are the deadliest drinking holidays on the road?

From green beer to Irish coffee, alcoholic beverages take the spotlight on St. Patrick’s Day from morning to night. With so much drinking, we urge pedestrians and drivers to be alert and aware of their surroundings. Alcohol-related crashes resulting in death decreased in Pennsylvania in 2019 from 2018, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation…

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PA Driving Laws Pop Quiz

How Well Do You Know PA Driving Laws? While we know you are tested on a daily basis as a driver (both in terms of skill and patience), we thought it would be fun, and hopefully educational, to offer a refresher course in PA driving laws. Take our quiz to see if you are up…

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Portable Generator Safety Tips

Portable generators can save lives in the event of a power outage. Whether it allows your electric furnace to continue to produce heat, your refrigerator to protect your perishable goods or charging your cell phone so that you can contact emergency services, there are great reasons for considering a portable generator as part of your…

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Add Radon Testing to New Year’s Resolutions

January is National Radon Month. Now is the perfect time to test your home for radon, and if necessary, initiate the steps needed to reduce radon levels in your home. What is radon? Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas. It is odorless, tasteless and invisible. The only way to detect radon in the home…

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How Lead Poisoning Can Affect You and Your Children

In recent months, The York Water Company has announced the presence of lead in the water of a sampling of homes due to aged service lines. While the utility company is expediting the process of removing and replacing these lines, the concern over lead poisoning is not to be taken lightly. There is no “safe”…

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Who’s at fault in a bad-weather accident? 5 things to know

As temperatures drop, and York braces for wintry driving conditions, it’s important to prepare yourself and your vehicle. Last year, we offered a complete guide to winter driving. But we recognize even the best preparations cannot always prevent a bad-weather accident from occurring. In 2020, PennDOT reported more than 26,000 accidents in bad weather (snow,…

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Deadliest Days for Travel: How to Stay Safe During the Holidays

Holiday travel accounts for thousands of accidents and injuries each year, some of which, unfortunately, lead to fatalities. So how can we prevent these accidents from happening and create safer driving conditions during the holidays? Keep reading to find out how to stay safe during the holiday season. Factors Some of the reasons for the…

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Advantages and disadvantages of federal oversight of workers’ compensation: Q&A with Attorney Dean Dominick

Just last month, the U.S. Department of Labor released a report that recommended a federal role in the workers’ compensation system. The role would involve creating federal standards with which each state’s workers’ compensation systems would be required to follow. To date, the only attempted federal intervention was the creation of a federal commission in…

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Home Winterization & Fire Prevention

Temperatures are finally falling across central Pennsylvania and now is the time to prep your home for the winter ahead. Did you know that home winterization can reduce your energy bills and your risk of a house fire? While there are numerous sources of advice for reducing your home energy bills, we will focus our…

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How a Personal Injury Case Progresses

“Today is the day I’m going to slip and fall,” said no one ever. Accidents happen all the time. The “slip and fall” category alone results in over 8 million trips to the hospital ER. What happens if you’re the victim of this type of accident? If it occurs around your home, you would be…

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10 Tips for Driving at Night

As we move into the end of the year, the days are becoming shorter, which means, for many motorists, more time spent driving at night. It is estimated that fatalities from automobile accidents are three times greater at night than during the day. Whether you are a seasoned night owl, or an occasional night-time driver,…

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Personal Injury Cases Won Against Walmart

It may be difficult to believe, but Walmart is sued between two and five times every day in the United States. It is sued for a variety of reasons, including slip and fall injuries, injuries from falling merchandise, false imprisonment, wrongful termination, violations of copyright laws and malpractice within the pharmacy. The most prevalent personal injury…

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It Costs an Arm and a Leg: Workers’ Compensation [Infographic]

9.2 billion tons — that is how much freight is moved across the country each year according to the American Trucking Associations. To get that much cargo moved from point “A” to destination “B” requires three million truck drivers. Simply put, without truckers, the nation comes to a grinding halt. That’s why it might surprise…

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Prevent Eye Injuries at Work

About 2,000 eye injuries occur in the workplace each day. That results in more than 700,000 injured workers every year. Between 10 percent and 20 percent of these injuries result in temporary or permanent vision loss. It is estimated that $300 million are spent each year in loss of productivity, medical treatment and workers’ compensation…

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Keep Your Kids Safe: National Child Passenger Safety Week

Sept. 18-24 marks National Child Passenger Safety Week. National Child Passenger Week aims to promote awareness of proper safety techniques and decrease the number of child injuries and fatalities that occur each year. Just last month, Pennsylvania enacted a new law that requires all children younger than 2 must be secured in a rear-facing car…

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How to help first responders at the scene

As we approach 9/11, we remember all those who lost their lives trying to save others’ on such a tragic day in American history. We also commemorate the first responders who arrive at traumatic scenes every day. In York County, the Safekeepers Shrine at Prospect Hill Cemetery serves as a memorial to all those who…

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Get on board for boat safety

Every year, hundreds lose their lives and thousands are injured from boating accidents that are preventable. Because errors account for 70 percent of boating accidents, it’s important that everyone on board knows and understands these boat safety tips. Boating Terminology First, boat operators must be familiar with boating terminology. This is important for communicating to…

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Yard safety: Garden and lawn maintenance

A well-maintained lawn helps showcase your home’s beauty. However, remembering basic yard safety also helps to keep your children and pets healthy and safe. To finish off our summer series on children’s backyard safety, we are reminding you of important do’s and don’ts when it comes to garden and lawn maintenance. DO supervise children at…

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Can I Sue for a Water Park Injury?

Believe it or not, there are no federal regulations monitoring the safety of water parks or other types of amusement parks. If they are regulated at all, it is because there are laws enacted at either the state or local levels to ensure the safety of the patrons of these parks. Reasons for Accidents at…

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Backyard Pool and Swimming Safety Tips

While swimming pools are a great way to stay cool and encourage kids to stay active during summer vacation, they are also a major safety concern for parents. Even shallow pools can be dangerous if the proper safety measures have not been set. The best precaution to take when it comes to kids and swimming…

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