Gettysburg Nursing Home

Nursing Home Negligence Attorneys in Lancaster, PA

Protecting the rights of nursing home residents from abuse and neglect

Making the decision to move an elderly loved one to a nursing home or assisted living facility is never easy. However, when a family member needs more care than we can provide, we turn to trained professionals for help. We put our trust and faith in nursing home staff to keep our loved ones safe and healthy. But what do we do when the nursing home fails our senior citizens, whether through negligence, carelessness, or intentional harm?

The Lancaster attorneys at KBG Injury Law can help. If your loved one suffered physical or mental harm in a nursing home or assisted living facility, we want to hold the responsible parties accountable. Our experienced lawyers will investigate what happened, determine the chain of events that led to your family member’s injuries, and work to ensure it never happens again. We advocates for families across South Central Pennsylvania.

Nursing Home Abuse Settlement

$1.5 Million

Settlement for a drowning at an assisted living home when resident left alone in tub.

[Settlements & Verdicts]

What is nursing home negligence and abuse?

Nursing home abuse is any type of harm inflicted on residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities – including physical or emotional injuries, sexual assault, and financial exploitation. The majority of these types of cases involve caretakers or staff either neglecting or actively abusing an elderly or vulnerable resident. Other cases can involve a lack of action when your loved one is experiencing abuse from other residents.

Nursing home and care facilities are responsible for the health and well-being of their residents. When they hire abusive staff, fail to meet the needs of their residents, or put a resident’s health in jeopardy and your loved one suffers injury, you are likely eligible for a Lancaster nursing home negligence claim.

What are Pennsylvania’s nursing home laws?

Nursing homes must follow both state and federal regulations, as well as undergo regular inspections. These inspections should be unannounced and take place over several days. Inspections should:

  • See how much the residents appear to feel “at home” at the facility
  • Evaluate how well the facility meets regulatory nursing home standards
  • Determine both quality of care and quality of life

Inspectors provide nursing homes with written reports and areas in need of improvement. In return, the facility must submit a plan to correct any problems. In cases of serious issues, a nursing home can face consequences like a ban on new admissions, monetary fines, and revocation of license.

Additionally, the Pennsylvania Department of Aging explains the specific rights of nursing home residents, which include:

  • The right to be informed of the nursing home’s policies and procedures
  • The right to know about services and charges
  • The right to know about your medical condition
  • The right to participate in your plan of care (including the right to refuse treatment)
  • The right to choose your own physician and pharmacy
  • The right to have your personal medical records kept confidential
  • The right to manage your own personal finances
  • The right to privacy, dignity, and respect
  • The right to be free from mental, physical, sexual abuse, exploitation, and neglect
  • The right to be free from restraints (physical and chemical)

This is not a comprehensive list. If you have questions about your rights or the rights of your loved ones, talk to the nursing home abuse attorneys at KBG Injury Law today.

What are common injuries from nursing home abuse?

Negligent care or intentional abuse of a nursing home resident can cause serious injury. Because the elderly are already vulnerable to health issues and injuries, even minor physical trauma can lead to severe consequences. Seniors and vulnerable residents can suffer many injuries from abuse and negligence, including:

  • Bone breaks and fractures
  • Bed sores
  • Infections
  • Brain injuries
  • Malnourishment and dehydration

These types of injuries can take a long time from which to recover. Some victims never recover at all. Some nursing home residents may be unable, or afraid, to communicate they are experiencing abuse, so it is important to understand the potential signs.

What are the signs of nursing home abuse and neglect?

Check in with and visit your loved one regularly to ensure they are in good health, as well as spot any early signs of abuse or neglect. Elder and nursing home abuse breaks down in several categories: physical, sexual, mental, and financial:

  • Physical and sexual abuse may result in physical signs, like bruising, cuts, restraint marks, and other unexplained injuries.
  • Mental abuse can show with symptoms like depression or anxiety, withdrawal from favorite activities, changes in eating or sleeping routines, unusual behaviors, and anger or aggressive outbursts.
  • Financial abuse comes in different forms, like stolen money or property, last-minute changes to wills, changes in powers of attorneys, and giving away valuable assets. Ensure you keep an eye on your loved one’s financial accounts and investigate any unusual activity.

Abuse can also include neglect. When nursing home and long-term care facilities lack proper staffing, residents can suffer. Common injuries from neglect include malnutrition, dehydration, lack of hygiene, and under- or overmedicating patients.

As soon as you spot any potential sign of neglect or abuse, document it and report it to the facility. If you fear for your loved one’s immediate safety, remove them immediately and contact one of our experienced injury attorneys.

What should I do if I suspect Lancaster nursing home abuse?

If your family member tells you they are being abused or neglected, listen to them and take their allegations seriously. Look into and report their claims or behaviors, even if staff tries to explain their injuries away. Once you report the situation, the nursing home can launch an investigation and decide whether to take action, like suspend or fire the offender.

You may also file a complaint against a Pennsylvania nursing home through the following methods:

  • Call 1-800-254-5164
  • Fill out an online complaint form
  • Email
  • Mail:
    Division of Nursing Care Facilities Director
    Pennsylvania Department of Health
    Division of Nursing Care Facilities
    625 Forster St., Room 526, Health and Welfare Building
    Harrisburg, PA 17120-0701
  • Fax 717-772-2163

Submitting a complaint is only the first step in handling nursing home negligence. If your loved one suffered injury, abuse, or neglect, filing a legal claim against the responsible parties can help secure compensation – allowing your family member to heal from their injuries and receive the highest quality care in the future. Talk to the attorneys at KBG Injury Law about how we can help.
Is there a nursing home negligence lawyer near me?

You can find KBG Injury Law at 1776 Harrisburg Pike, across from the LGH Health Campus in Lancaster, PA. We also maintain four locations throughout South Central Pennsylvania.

Nursing home negligence and abuse lawyers serving Lancaster

Our elderly and vulnerable population are entitled to dignity, respect, and a safe environment in which to live. When a nursing home or care facility fails them and fails you, look to the attorneys at KBG Injury Law for fierce advocacy. Our legal team will represent you and your family if your loved one suffers injury from nursing home abuse or negligence. To find out how we can help, call 717-848-3838 or fill out our contact form today. We have offices in York, Lancaster, Gettysburg, Harrisburg, and Hanover, and serve families throughout South Central Pennsylvania.