Don’t swerve! Better to hit a deer
Pennsylvania ranks third in the nation for deer-related collisions, according to a 2019 report, trailing West Virginia and Montana. Last year, nearly 3,500 deer vehicle collisions occurred in Pennsylvania, with nine deaths caused by those who hit a deer. But these numbers do not include the large number of people who swerve to avoid…
Read MoreTeen Driver Insurance: Q&A with Attorney Ted Kennett
As a parent and a lawyer, Ted Kennett is often asked about teen driver insurance – from whose policy the teen should be placed on to when the teen should be added to a policy. Currently, he is hosting workshops to help individuals better understand purchasing auto insurance. Below, he shares essential information for parents…
Read MoreWhat to do when you’re in a car accident
The following is intended to be an example of what you should do if you find yourself involved in a car crash. You are driving home from work on your usual route, when, out of nowhere, you hear the crunching metal and the busting glass. You feel yourself spinning with no control of your vehicle.…
Read MoreFire Safety for the Home
A fire destroys the stability and security of your family’s home. It leaves families in financial and emotional distress. And it often results in injuries and sometimes deaths. More than 3,000 deaths occur as a result of fires every year. That means every day, on average, home fires kill seven people. Pennsylvania was among the…
Read MoreTop driving mistakes: Q&A with Attorney Tim Salvatore
Personal injury and wrongful death attorney Tim Salvatore sees many clients after they have been involved in car accidents. Too often, these car accidents are preventable. Lately Tim has been thinking about the topic as he is teaching his teenagers to drive. Below are some of his thoughts on the most common driving mistakes and…
Read MoreOn the field and on the court: What are symptoms of concussions?
Almost half a million kids are treated in the ER each year for traumatic brain injuries, including concussions, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s enough to fill more than 5,000 of the nation’s largest school buses to capacity. Research shows that young children and teens are more likely to suffer a…
Read MoreTop 5 Workplace Injuries
According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BSL), nearly 900 thousand non-fatal workplace injuries requiring days off occurred in 2019. The total number of non-fatal occupational injuries overall in 2019 nearly broke the 3 million mark. Although this marks a decrease in incidents compared to previous years, at KBG we know that those…
Read MorePennsylvania School Bus Laws: What Drivers & Parents Need to Know
As a new school year approaches, it seems like the right time for a refresher course on Pennsylvania school bus laws. According to PennDOT, each year, over 1.5 million students travel over 400 million miles of Pennsylvania roadways during the school year. That is a lot of roadway and potential for accidents. In the interest…
Read MoreWhy does it take so long to appeal veterans disability? Q&A with Attorney Nancy Mizerak
Social Security Disability attorney Nancy Mizerak represents disabled claimants in their appeals to the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review. We chatted with her about veterans disability and why the appeals process is forcing some vets to wait years for care and compensation. What is veterans disability? Veterans disability is a monthly, tax-free income for…
Read MoreCredit Based Insurance Scores: How Your Credit Can Affect Your Insurance Rates
You have a spotless driving record, so when you applied for car insurance, you were shocked to see that you were denied coverage because of your credit based insurance score. What does this mean, and how can you change it? What is a Credit Based Insurance Score? A credit based insurance score is similar to…
Read MoreDIY Tips for Safety
Summer is a popular time of the year to undertake lawnscaping, home renovations and improvements, and there has been a growing trend of homeowners completing these tasks themselves thanks to the DIY movement. Unfortunately, while DIY can be cheaper and more satisfying than hiring a professional, it also comes with safety risks that need to…
Read MorePlug into Electrical Safety
Electricity is such a necessary part of our everyday living that it’s easy to take for granted. Yet more than 140,000 electrical fires occur and nearly 400 people are electrocuted each year in the United States, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. We talked with Electrical Technology Instructor Bob Tressler of YTI Career…
Read MorePA Bicycle Laws: What You Need to Know to Avoid an Accident
June provides the perfect weather for cycling in Pennsylvania. With so many bike-friendly cities like Lancaster and York, bicycling is a great activity for the whole family. This year, cities across the Susquehanna Valley, like Harrisburg, are considering implementing Bike Share programs that will allow more Pennsylvanians access to the joys of cycling. However, with…
Read MoreSafety Tips for Private and Public Pools in York, PA, and Surrounding Areas
Safety Tips for Private and Public Pools in York, PA, and Surrounding Areas Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of summer for many families in the south central Pennsylvania area, and many choose to stay cool during the season by swimming in their own pool or by visiting one of the public pools in York,…
Read MoreThe Deadly Cost of Product Recalls
Takata just expanded their airbag recall to an astounding 34 million cars, or about one in seven cars in America. That officially makes it the largest recall in the US, but at 6 deaths and 100 injuries, it’s far from deadliest. Product recalls happen every day. Roughly 6.5 will happen today, in fact. There are…
Read MoreEnsure deck and sidewalk safety to prevent premises liability
In south central Pennsylvania, the days are longer and the temperatures are rising, prompting more people to spend time outdoors. With spring, however, comes an increased risk for slip and fall accidents on neglected sidewalks and patios. Falls account for more than 8 million U.S. hospital emergency room visits, representing the leading cause of visits,…
Read MoreReasons to talk with your teen about safe driving at prom
Prom should be a time of celebration. The school year’s end is near, and if your teen is a senior, her high school career is almost over. It’s the perfect reason to dress up, dine, dance and enjoy the moment. Too often, though, such a celebration results in tragedy. Car accidents are the leading cause…
Read MoreOvercome the stress of insurance hassles
It’s tough enough when you’ve been in a car accident, or a fire destroyed your home. To complicate matters, your car insurance or home insurance company is dragging its feet in processing your claim. In waiting for your insurance payout, you’re left with a rental car or living in a motel. It’s no surprise that…
Read MoreMedical Negligence: Are You Being Treated Right? [Infographic]
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, if all medically-negligent deaths were reported like other causes of death, medical negligence would be the third leading cause of death in the U.S. — just behind heart disease and cancer. Medical negligence is difficult to prove, but its effects are often dire. It’s estimated that…
Read MoreMichael Scott’s Guide to Surviving Your 9-5 [Infographic]
Office Safety… boring? Not if you’re Michael Scott, fictional boss of NBC’s “The Office” (2005 – 2013). The Office, known for its cringe-worthy, realistic deadpan humor, became one of TV’s best comedies and was nominated for 42 Primetime Emmy Awards, winning five. The series focuses on the day-to-day operation of Dunder Mifflin, a regional paper…
Read MoreCyber Bullying: Is It Really An Epidemic? (Infographic)
Bullying: The New Awareness The prevalence of bullying in America’s schools has resulted in its being named a public health issue. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, bullying is classified as a form of youth violence and can result in physical injury, social and emotional distress, and even death. Victims are at increased…
Read MoreWhat’s Your Insurance IQ?
Reading about auto insurance is like wading through hardening cement. We’ve listed a few things below to help you understand the minimum coverage you must carry: Medical Benefits Insurance companies are required to include a minimum of $5,000 per person in medical coverage with each policy issued in Pennsylvania. This component pays for treatment for…
Read MoreYes or No: Driving Maneuvers
Here are a few questions about driving maneuvers we’ve all seen or done. But is it legal: 1. To talk on your cell phone without a hands-free set-up while driving in Pennsylvania? Y N 2. To have an 11-year-old ride in the front seat with you? Y N 3. For your insurance company to pay…
Read MoreWhat’s Your Insurance IQ – The Price Isn’t Always Right
Buying just the minimum auto insurance coverage may cause you much heartache later on. Accepted medical literature shows that in some cases, apparently “minor” accidents can cause you serious permanent injuries, particularly depending upon your body position at the time of impact. Here are a few IQ-tips to prepare you for scenarios beyond your control:…
Read MoreWhen an Accident Occurs, What Should You Do?
At KBG, our attorneys spend every day fighting for our clients. Standing in the way of fair and just results is the insurance industry, a multibillion dollar industry whose only goal is to pay out as little as possible on any claim whether it is legitimate or not. Each of our attorneys have handled hundreds…
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