Lancaster PA

Personal Injury Attorneys in Lancaster, PA

Seasoned trial lawyers for personal injury victims and their families in Lancaster County

No one knows for certain what the future will hold. A pleasant motorcycle excursion through the picturesque Amish country of Lancaster County can quickly become a nightmare due to the negligent acts of an inattentive or reckless driver. The neighbor’s seemingly friendly dog can suddenly turn vicious and unexpectedly attack you as you walk by. A physician you trust to heal you may fail to make a correct diagnosis. These situations are also clear-cut examples of when it is essential to consult with personal injury attorneys in Lancaster, PA who know the law.

At KBG Injury Law, you can trust that we will fight for you from the initial interview until your case settles or there is a trial in court. Unlike most personal injury law firms, we believe that forging personal relationships with our clients is the key to our success. We believe that clients are people, not cases. It is our in-depth knowledge of our clients’ pain and suffering and our in-depth knowledge of the law that has enabled our lawyers to achieve such a strong track record of success – negotiating settlements, many times for the policy limits – and persuading juries to award substantial verdicts.

What kinds of injury claims do you handle?

KBG Injury Law handles complex personal injury cases for Lancaster clients. We represent drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and bicycle riders. We represent shoppers, workers, patients, and any Lancaster resident or visitor who suffers an injury or tragically loses a loved one.

Our Lancaster personal injury lawyers represent victims who suffer catastrophic injuries, injuries that last a lifetime, injuries that prevent you from working, and injuries that heal with time. Some of the many types of cases we handle include:

  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Psychological injuries due to a physical injury
  • Back, neck, and shoulder injuries
  • Loss of hearing
  • Loss of vision

At KBG Injury Law, we also understand how the wrongful death of a loved one can lead to unexpected financial burdens. We respect your right to mourn while we work on your case. We cannot bring your loved one back, but we can ensure that your family is protected in the future.

What types of accident cases do your Lancaster, PA injury lawyers handle?

We represent clients who suffer injuries due to negligence. We represent workers who can file a claim without the need to show their employer was negligent. We file strict liability claims against manufacturers. Our lawyers represent people who cannot work due to a disability and need Social Security Disability. We work with medical professionals when we file medical malpractice claims against hospitals and medical practitioners.

At KBG Injury Law, our lawyers represent anyone injured in Lancaster who is injured or dies in the following types of accidents:

Our attorneys take pride in our ability to handle almost every type of accident case. If we cannot handle your case on our own, we work with respected Lancaster lawyers who handle your unique type of accident.

Can you hold drivers responsible for a Lancaster, PA car accident?

Our Lancaster car accident lawyers handle all types of car accidents including head-on collisions, broadsides, sideswipes, intersection accidents, rear-end collisions, multi-vehicle crashes, and single-car crashes.

We represent can accident victims and families when a driver speeds, drives while drunk, drives while distracted, violates any traffic law, or drives too fast for weather or traffic conditions.

In addition to the driver, at KBG Injury law, we file claims against car owners, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, taverns, car parts manufacturers, and anyone else who may be responsible for the car accident.

Who is liable for a Lancaster, PA truck accident?

Truck accidents are often more deadly and cause more catastrophic injuries than car accidents. The weight, size, poor sightlines, and unsecured cargo make trucks very hard to drive. Our Lancaster truck accident lawyers represent victims when a truck jackknives, rolls over, loses cargo, or does not provide underride protection. We also represent accident victims who are injured when truck drivers are intoxicated, tired, distracted, or speeding.

Our lawyers often file claims against multiple defendants. Common defendants include the truck driver, the truck owners, the broker who arranged the shipment, the trucking company that hired the driver, the shipping company, and others.

We work with your doctors to show how life-changing your injuries are.

Can you help me after a motorcycle crash in Lancaster, PA?

Motorcycle accidents are often deadly or cause permanent injuries. Many car and truck drivers fail to respect the right of the motorcycle operator to be on the road. Motorcycles do not offer the same physical protection (a hood, trunk, side doors, or roof) that cars and trucks provide.

Out Lancaster motorcycle accident lawyers represent the families of any motorcycle driver or a passenger who is killed. We fight aggressively for motorcycle riders who suffer head trauma, broken bones, loss of limb, road rash, or any other type of motorcycle injury. We seek to hold all the responsible drivers and other responsible parties liable for your pain and suffering, medical bills, and financial losses.

Can you help me file a workers’ compensation claim in Lancaster, PA?

In Lancaster, employees who have a workplace accident or become ill due to workplace conditions can file a Pennsylvania workers’ compensation claim. The good news is that you do not need to prove that your employer was negligent. The equally good news is that our lawyers are ready for the arguments the employer’s insurance company makes to try to deny your claim or force you back to work before you are healthy enough to do so.

We will help you file your claim. Our Lancaster workers’ compensation lawyers will assert your right to have all your medical bills paid. We will seek temporary wage loss benefits while you cannot work. We seek additional work loss benefits if you have a full or partial disability. If your claim has been denied, we can help you appeal that decision.

Can you hold Lancaster, PA property owners liable if I’m injured while on someone’s property?

Yes, you can. Owners of retail stores, restaurants, apartment complexes, or any businesses can be held liable if you are injured on their property. So, too, can private property owners.

We work to show the owner knew or should have known of a dangerous condition – and failed to repair the problem or warn you about the problem. We demand compensation for slip and fall accidents and other accidents – if you were invited onto the property or had permission to be on the property.

What is a medical malpractice claim?

Like any professionals, doctors and healthcare providers make mistakes. When those errors are caused by negligence, however, you could have grounds for a medical malpractice claim. At KBG Injury Law, we understand how a surgical error, a misdiagnosis, a medication or pharmacy mistake, or any act of negligence can lead to a lifetime of pain and suffering. We have cultivated professional relationships with some of the finest medical and legal experts in the field, and we will put our vast network of resources to work for you.

We also know that not all acts of medical malpractice are committed at hospitals or by general practitioners. Specialists like dentists and chiropractors can be held liable for the injuries they cause; so can midwives or doulas whose negligence leads to birth injuries. KBG Injury Law has a special interest in protecting the elderly, so if your loved one was injured in a nursing home, we can help.

Does KBG Injury Law handle Social Security Disability claims?

Yes. We represent adults who cannot work because of a disability. We work with your doctors and independent doctors to help show that your medical condition is on the approved list of Social Security impairments or that your health condition prevents you from working for at least a year.

How much is my Lancaster, PA personal injury case worth?

At KBG Injury Law, we seek all the damages your case deserves. While there is no precise formula, our lawyers are respected for our successful representation of many clients – including multiple settlements and verdicts for one million dollars or more. We diligently assess all your economic and non-economic damages. We understand detailing every small bill, every day you cannot work, and every day you are in agonizing pain – often adds up to a large settlement or verdict. In many cases, we are able to obtain the insurance policy limits. We are always ready to try your case before a jury.

Our Lancaster personal injury lawyers demand compensation for the following:

  • Medical bills. These expenses include your ambulance costs, ER care, surgeries and hospital stays, time with your doctors and specialists, all the therapy and rehabilitation you need, medications, and the cost of assistive devices.
  • Wage losses. We demand payment for all your past financial losses and any income loss you may reasonably have in the future.
  • Pain and suffering. Pain and suffering are non-economic damages, but it is still an important part of any claim. Lancaster accident victims can seek compensation for their physical and emotional trauma.
  • Scarring and disfigurement. Victims can seek damages for the unsightliness of a permanent scar as well as additional damages if a facial scar or any other type of scar causes the victim to require psychological care or to suffer emotional harm due to their condition.
  • Loss of consortium. This sum is payable because your relationship with your spouse (including intimacy) is affected by the accident.
  • Property damage. We seek compensation to pay to fix or replace your car – depending on how much it cost to repair your vehicle.
  • Funeral and burial expenses (when applicable). If your loved one died as a result of an accident or succumbed to injuries or an illness related to someone else’s negligence, you could be entitled to funeral and burial expenses.

If the defendant’s behavior was especially reckless, we may seek punitive damages.

How long do I have to file my personal injury case?

There are strict time limits for filing a lawsuit. We advise accident victims or anyone with a disability to contact us as soon as possible. It is important to investigate your case quickly. We will explain the time limits that apply. For example, workers need to notify their employer of an accident promptly. The statute of limitations for most personal injury lawsuits and wrongful death claims in Pennsylvania is generally two years. Exceptions may apply.

If you fail to file your lawsuit in time, you will lose all rights to seek compensation for your injuries or the death of a loved one.


Why should Lancaster, PA injury victims choose KBG Injury Law?

Our lawyers have the respect of many former clients, insurance adjusters, defense lawyers, and the local judges. We are skilled at investigating personal injury cases, conducting discovery, speaking with physicians, and preparing the evidence necessary for the best results. Our lawyers anticipate the arguments insurance carriers and defense lawyers make.

Mostly, we understand the trauma and fears clients have. We guide you through each phase of the case. We negotiate settlements, with your approval, only when the case is fully ready. We understand how to talk to juries who are people just like you.

At KBG Injury Law, our committed team of personal injury attorneys has been helping South Central PA residents get the results they deserve for close to 40 years. Unlike other law firms that dabble in a variety of legal areas, our Lancaster personal injury attorneys focus on injury law. Many of our lawyers represented insurance companies before joining our firm which means our lawyers understand the policies and strategies insurance carriers use during the claims process, at the negotiating table and in the courtroom.

Our attorneys understand why personal injury can be painful on many levels. It may leave you unable to work and earn a wage at the very moment when you have considerable bills and other expenses to cover. Your injury may leave you traumatized, depressed, and in severe emotional and physical pain. The anxiety of litigation can leave you frozen with fear.

At KBG Injury Law, we will calmly and clearly guide you through each stage of the litigation process. We work with investigators, traffic reconstruction experts, product safety professionals, and other personal injury experts to help prove a driver, a property owner, a manufacturer, or others caused your injuries or the death of a loved one. Our lawyers work with your doctors and independent physicians to verify your injuries, the treatment you will need, and the ways your life has changed because of an accident.

To learn about our firm’s extensive list of impressive personal injury settlements and verdicts, take a look at our Results Page.

Do you have a Lancaster, PA personal injury lawyer near me?

Our Lancaster office is located at 1776 Harrisburg Pike, just across Good Drive from the LGH Health Campus. If you cannot visit us, we can visit you, or you can meet with us at one of our four other locations.

Strong and caring representation for Lancaster, PA accident victims

Accidents change lives in a moment. When you’re hurting, it can be hard to get out of bed in the morning, let alone wonder how you will pay your bills and get the medical help you need. Rest assured that at KBG Injury Law, our attorneys understand what you are going through. We calmly answer all your questions and prepare your case. Many claims do settle. We are experienced trial lawyers. To speak with a seasoned personal injury lawyer in Lancaster, please call 717.397.9700 or toll free at 800.509.1011, or complete our contact form. We handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. We represent accident victims in Lancaster, York, Harrisburg, Hanover, Gettysburg, and throughout South Central Pennsylvania.