Pet Emergency Kit
When emergencies happen, it’s crucial to have an emergency kit with food, water and other essentials ready to go, whether you’re evacuating or riding out the emergency at home. If you have four-legged and furry family members, you need to make sure you have supplies in your emergency kit for your pets as well. Here…
Read MoreField Trips and Release Forms
You expect your child to be safe at school. Your expectations do not dissolve if he or she is on a field trip. After all, he or she is still being supervised by the school in what you assume is a safe, educational environment. But what happens if your child is injured during a school…
Read MoreQ&A with Jennifer Kline: Why was my workers’ compensation claim denied?
Workers’ compensation insurance is in place so that employees can receive medical treatment and lost wages when they are injured on the job. Unfortunately, the workers’ compensation insurance company may deny your claim for a number of reasons. Jennifer Kline, one of our certified workers’ compensation specialists, talks about common reasons why a claim may…
Read MoreDeath Star Workplace Injuries
Congratulations on securing a new position on the Death Star, the most advanced piece of planet-killing technology in a galaxy far, far away. While the name might sound intimidating, we guarantee a safe working environment. There are just a few safety issues you should be aware of when working here, so human resources — with…
Read MoreWhen and How to file a Social Security Appeal
You applied for Social Security Disability and you just got your notice in the mail that you didn’t qualify for benefits; now what? The first step is to file an appeal within 60 days of the date you receive the letter containing the Social Security Office’s decision. What happens after you file your appeal? There…
Read MoreQ&A with Brian Strong: What you should know if you’re caught in flood waters
Relentless rain across central Pennsylvania the past few months has caused flooded roadways, downed trees and mudslides. From July 1-17 alone, we saw 8.72 inches of rainfall, which was 4.81 inches over normal amounts. What should you know if your home floods, your car floats away or you’re suddenly caught driving in the middle of…
Read MoreDisaster Preparedness Kit
No one likes to think about having to weather a disaster, but they do happen, so it’s vital to prepare for when they do. If you build a disaster kit ahead of time, you’ll be much more ready when it matters. Let’s explore what you need to know about how to how to make a…
Read MorePoison Safety Tips For Children [Infographic]
Part of having children is realizing they’ll put anything and everything in their mouths. Did you know 90 percent of poisonings happen in the home? It’s a scary statistic, you can do plenty of things at home to prevent poisonings in children. Children are naturally adventurous and learn about their world by exploring it, so…
Read MoreSigns and Symptoms of a Concussion [Infographic]
Even the most careful or skilled athlete can occasionally suffer a head injury. One of the most common related injuries is known as a concussion. What is a concussion, and what are the signs and symptoms you need to be on the lookout for after a head injury? What Is a Concussion? A concussion is…
Read More13 Questions to Ask About Workers’ Compensation Coverage
Most people picture someone who needs workers’ compensation as a person who gets injured on a construction site. Maybe they see a lineman for the local phone company wounded while fixing a telephone pole during a storm. Or perhaps they think of someone working in a warehouse who injures their back while lifting bulky items.…
Read MoreRoad Trip Essentials [Infographic]
Summer is finally here, and plenty of us are planning vacations and trips. Road trips for families are a fantastic way to see the country, but before you hop behind the wheel, it’s essential to get prepared. What do you need to be sure to pack when you’re planning a road trip, whether you’re driving…
Read MoreTips for Teaching a Teenager to Drive
Every parent anticipates many long-awaited milestones in their child’s life — learning to ride a bike, going to kindergarten, graduating from high school, going off to college or the exciting and highly stressful learning how to drive. Car crashes are the No. 1 cause of death for teens, and before graduating from high school, almost…
Read MoreWhen Should I Talk to a Disability Lawyer?
You’d like to work, but with your medical condition, it just isn’t possible. It’s not always an easy decision to file for social security disability benefits. Pride or fear of stigma might cause you to hesitate to complete the application. However, if you are ready to take the first steps, you might now be wondering…
Read MoreProving Negligence in An Accidental Drowning Case
Swimming and summer just go together. But too often, if proper safety precautions are not taken, an afternoon at the pool, beach or lake can end in hospitalization or death. The CDC reports an average of 3,960 fatal accidental drownings annually between 2010 and 2019. Even non-fatal drownings can have permanent and devastating outcomes for…
Read MoreYour Guide to Child Passenger Safety
Choosing the right car seat for your child can feel overwhelming. So many different car seats exist — how do you know which one will keep your child safe according to their weight, height and age? The right car seat matters. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 13.…
Read MoreMedical Malpractice: When to Settle and When to Sue
When you visit a doctor, dentist or another medical professional for care and treatment, you are putting a considerable amount of trust in that individual or practice. You trust the medical professional will make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe the correct medicine and perform the proper treatment. But things do go wrong from time to time.…
Read MoreQ&A with Dean Dominick: What are the pros and cons of telemedicine related to my workers’ compensation case?
Going to a medical provider’s appointment requires a decent amount of preparation and time to organize. From the initial phone call making the appointment to the travel and possibly taking hours off from work, visiting your doctor can be a sizable time commitment. Modern telecommunications technology has delivered a solution to this issue called telemedicine,…
Read MoreSteps to Take After a Car Accident [Infographic]
Did you know there are more than 6 million car accidents on the road every year in the United States alone? No one likes to think about getting in an accident, but it’s important to be prepared in case you ever do. What do you need to do after you’ve been in an accident? Take…
Read MoreSteps to Creating a Family Emergency Plan
It’s human nature not to want to discuss things which frighten us or make us uncomfortable. However, there is a big difference between getting hung up on morbid thoughts and simply having a plan of action for realistic potential crises. Extreme weather can present itself almost anywhere you go. Hurricanes are powerful and incredibly destructive.…
Read MoreWho is responsible when there is an injured landscaper on your property?
With warmer weather on the horizon, southcentral Pennsylvanians are preparing for tidier lawns and gardens. If you’re considering hiring a landscaping company, you might be thinking of questions such as: How much is the average price for these tasks? Who has the best reputation? Does it make more sense to hire an independent contractor or…
Read MoreBicycle Safety
Bicycles have been around for hundreds of years in various forms. We use them for recreation and exercise and as a quick way to cover short distances. With the “go green” movement, bicycles have once again risen in popularity as an environmentally-friendly mode of transportation. In the United States between 2000 and 2010, the number…
Read MoreHow to Prevent Your Next Car Accident
Although many of today’s cars have safety features designed to reduce car accidents and injuries, 39,107 people in the U.S. died in 2019 as a result of a vehicle accident. In Pennsylvania, there were 990 fatal crashes and 1,059 deaths as a result of those accidents in 2019. While the number of accidents and fatalities…
Read More11 Tips for Throwing a Safe and Relaxing Backyard BBQ
A backyard barbecue is a popular way to relax and enjoy friends and family, but this seemingly innocent gathering comes with many potential dangers. Planning can reduce the risks of an injury or illness at your BBQ. Preparation also helps you relax a little more, knowing you have done everything in your power to keep…
Read MoreQ&A with Craig Milsten: When should I settle a case, and when should I go to trial?
When you’ve sustained an injury due to another party’s negligence, it makes sense to pursue a personal injury claim in order to get the compensation you deserve. However, when does it make sense to go to trial versus settling out of court with the defendant? KBG lawyer Craig Milsten is no stranger to personal injury…
Read MoreGuide to Handling Food Safely
Food is the essence of life. We need food to survive, but we also use it to celebrate, commiserate and start our days off right — just to name a few. What we put into our bodies affects our health and well-being. That’s why it’s so important to make sure we are handling our food…
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