Warehouse Workers Have Rights to Workers’ Compensation

Warehouse Workers Have Rights to Workers' CompensationWarehouse Workers Have Rights to Workers' CompensationThe warehouse industry is ingrained in our daily lives. Most of the products we use are stored in warehouses before reaching the consumer. There is a constant hustle and bustle within these warehouse spaces as workers move products. Warehouse employees use a range of machines to get products in and out of the facility like forklifts, trucks, conveyor belts, pickers, and more. With so many moving parts day and night, serious accidents are bound to happen.

Workers’ compensation is an insurance policy that employers can purchase to protect employees when an injury happens. However, warehouse employees may face challenges in obtaining these benefits. The insurance company may not offer enough resources or compensation to address your medical concerns and life-altering condition. A Harrisburg warehouse workers’ compensation attorney can fight to ensure your rights are protected and you get the benefits you deserve.

Why are warehouse workers’ comp cases so complicated?

Warehouse workers are a group who have the most challenging time getting workers’ compensation benefits after an injury. Many times, warehouse management will misclassify an employee. The most significant caveat for obtaining workers’ compensation benefits is that you are a company employee. If you are not classified as such, you may be barred from requesting and receiving benefits. If you are not classified as an employee of the company and are instead considered an independent contractor, you may face a claim denial.

Many warehouse employees are unaware of this misclassification until they attempt to file a workers’ compensation claim. There are other benefits that you are missing out on from this misclassification. You will need to consult with an attorney about your misclassification and how you will be able to obtain workers’ compensation benefits. There are several reasons you can be misclassified, some intentional and others unintentional. In either case, you need to take steps to protect your rights.

A skilled Harrisburg workers’ compensation attorney can analyze all aspects of your case and determine what steps to take to move it forward and get you the benefits you are entitled to.

What are the most common warehouse accidents?

Due to its various moving parts, you will face risks at every turn in a warehouse. There are loading docks, high shelves, forklifts, and more that can cause an injury. The most common types of accidents are:

  • Forklift accidents
  • Fires
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Carrying heavy loads
  • Conveyor belt injuries
  • Machine press accidents
  • Loading dock accidents
  • Electrocution
  • Falling objects
  • Falls
  • Motor vehicle crashes
  • Exposure to chemicals or toxic substances

These warehouse accidents can happen at any time, and it is vital to stay alert on the job. Sadly, even if you do everything right, another party’s negligent actions can still cause you harm. You, as well as those around you, must follow all safety precautions. Some injuries are not caused by a singular incident but happen over time, such as repetitive motion injuries.

What are common warehouse injuries?

Workers’ compensation benefits cover minor and severe injuries, so you should not worry if workers’ compensation will cover your medical needs. There are cases where denial is warranted, so you may need legal advice from a Harrisburg warehouse workers’ compensation attorney to determine if your denial is justified or not. The most common warehouse injuries we see include:

  • Burns
  • Lacerations
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Broken bones
  • Paralysis
  • Cancer
  • Disfigurement
  • Internal organ damage
  • Hearing loss
  • Back injuries
  • Sprains and strains
  • Loss of limbs
  • Lung disease

Some of the injuries above can be resolved over a short period. Others will have a lasting effect on the lives of the injured worker and their families. Do not be scared to file a claim. It is your right.

What workers’ compensation benefits am I entitled to receive?

There are several benefits to which you are entitled from a successful workers’ compensation claim. The priority is to cover illness, injury, and death expenses. The benefits are as follows:

  • Healthcare expenses
  • Future or ongoing healthcare costs
  • Partial disability payments
  • Total disability payments
  • Permanent injury benefits
  • Out of pocket medical expense reimbursement
  • Death benefits, which can be awarded to the family of the deceased worker

The benefits you are entitled to will vary by the extent of your injuries. If your loved one dies at the workplace, they cannot speak for themselves, and the surviving family will need to do so instead. Our Harrisburg warehouse workers’ compensation attorneys work with injured workers and their families.

How can a Harrisburg workers’ compensation attorney help?

A Harrisburg workers’ compensation attorney will file paperwork on your behalf, gather evidence, request medical records, and assess how the injury will affect you long term. It is vital to move quickly in these cases as deadlines come and go. You have 21 days to report your injury to receive benefits dating back to your date of injury, 120 days to report your injury to receive any benefits at all, and three years to file a claim. These cases can become complex overnight, and these deadlines may not be enough time for you to prepare your claim. You must also consider that exceptions and various legal statutes can shorten or complicate these deadlines.

A workers’ compensation attorney must be knowledgeable in employment and workers’ compensation laws. KGB Injury Law knows how employment law topics can affect your injury claim. We will work to ensure you get the right amount of benefits. We want you to get the results you deserve and will use our resources to do so. We will work to negotiate with the insurance company until an agreement is reached or if other steps need to be assessed. We will pursue the best legal recourse for you whether that involves litigation, settlement or simply monitoring your claim.

While pursuing litigation sounds contentious, it is actually very common in workers’ compensation claims and having an attorney is critical to being successful. Many cases in litigation, however, do not go all the way to a Judge’s decision as a claim can be settled at any point. Call KGB Injury Law at 717-848-3838, or submit our contact form to schedule a consultation. We maintain additional offices in York, Lancaster, Hanover, and Gettysburg.