How Soon Should I See a Doctor After a Car Accident?

How Soon Should I See a Doctor After a Car Accident?No matter how severe a car accident is, it is important to seek medical attention. Even when you believe you’ve sustained no injuries, you should still have a medical professional look over you. There are many reasons why this is a good idea, including delayed symptoms of more severe injuries and for legal reasons when you file a claim further down the line. Either way, if the victim of a car accident does not receive medical attention after their accident, it could lead to further difficulties later on, both for their health and their finances.

Do I need an ambulance if I’m injured in a car accident in Hanover?

You might. If you or anyone involved in the car accident experiences any of the following, call 911 for an ambulance immediately:

  • Severe bleeding
  • Unconsciousness or altered mental state
  • Suspected broken bones
  • Chest pain or difficulty breathing
  • Neck or spine injuries
  • Head injuries with loss of consciousness

You should also call an ambulance if the injury victim is very young, elderly, or pregnant, regardless of the severity of the injury. Your safety is top priority, and these situations require immediate medical attention.

Can I just drive myself to the hospital?

You shouldn’t. If you believe you need to visit an Emergency Room but do not want to take an ambulance, you should ask someone else to drive you. An ambulance is the smartest move, though, because it will be fully equipped to help you if you suffer a secondary attack or injury, such as passing out or having a heart attack. Sometimes, adrenaline keeps people moving despite their having sustained significant trauma. You don’t want to be behind the wheel of a car when the “adrenaline rush” fades.

What if my regular doctor isn’t available right away?

Generally speaking, you should schedule a medical evaluation within the first 24 hours after a car accident, even if you don’t notice immediate or severe injuries. Some injuries, such as whiplash, concussions, or nerve damage, may not show symptoms right away. Early medical assessment can detect and address these issues before they worsen. Besides: if you DO sustain an injury, the sooner you can be diagnosed and begin treatment, the better your outcome is more likely to be.

If you want to see your regular doctor but he or she is not available, it is still advisable to seek medical attention with another doctor. You can always get a second opinion from your primary care physician once you can get an appointment.

What if I don’t think I’m hurt?

Even if you don’t feel injured immediately after an accident, it’s still a good idea to see a doctor. Some injuries may not manifest noticeable symptoms right away. Among the more serious injuries are:

  • Blood clots
  • Internal organ damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Slipped disks
  • Trauma to nerves
  • Brain trauma

A medical evaluation can identify any hidden injuries and ensure your health is not at risk.

Understanding delayed trauma and symptoms

Some injuries may have delayed onset symptoms. These can include pain, stiffness, dizziness, headaches, and psychological distress. If you experience any of these symptoms in the days following an accident, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional promptly.

Having the paperwork of a doctor’s visit can help you legally as well. If you intend to file a personal injury claim or seek compensation for damages, prompt medical attention is crucial. A medical record created shortly after the accident can serve as vital evidence, establishing a clear link between your injuries and the accident.

Do not forget that insurance companies may dispute claims if there is a gap between the accident date and the initial medical examination. Seeking medical care promptly helps ensure your rights are protected and strengthens your case for compensation.

Do I have to keep going to the doctor if I feel better?

It’s essential to follow your doctor’s recommendations for ongoing care and treatment. In some cases, injuries may worsen if left untreated, even if you initially feel better.

Additionally, regular medical check-ups can help document your recovery process, which is important if you plan to pursue a personal injury claim. Failure to continue treatment can be used against you by the insurance company (or, if it’s a work injury, by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurer).

What if the treatment isn’t working?

If you are diagnosed with an injury and begin treatment for it, but do not appear to be getting any better, then you can always seek a second opinion. You should know, however, that some injuries may never fully heal – even ones that don’t seem life-threatening at the time of your accident.

Should I talk to a Hanover, PA car accident attorney?

If you’re dealing with complex insurance matters or considering a personal injury claim, consulting with a personal injury attorney is a wise decision. An attorney can provide guidance, protect your rights, and help you navigate the legal process, including gathering necessary medical documentation for your case.

At KBG Injury Law, our team of experienced Hanover car accident lawyers has earned the trust and respect of both former clients and insurance companies. Our reputation is built on a track record of securing substantial settlements and successful verdicts for our clients. We are dedicated to addressing all your questions and concerns, and providing experienced guidance at every step of the claims process.

We will ensure that all of your medical records concerning the accident are prepared, and we will handle your case professionally and compassionately.

To schedule a free consultation, contact us to learn more about your rights. Our team has locations in Harrisburg, Lancaster, Gettysburg, Hanover, and York, and we are ready and available to answer your questions and concerns about your car accident and any injuries you have suffered.