
Shrewsbury Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

Helping injured and ill employees for more than 40 years

Any worker can suffer injuries at work. At KBG Injury Law, our Shrewsbury workers’ compensation lawyers help employees obtain the full workers' compensation benefits they deserve. The good news is that you don’t have to prove that your employer was negligent to recover benefits. We demand payment for your medical bills and your share of your lost wages including special loss and death benefit compensation. We fight the efforts of employers to limit, deny, or terminate your benefits. Call us to obtain your rightful compensation.

What is workers’ compensation?

The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act protects employees when they suffer workplace injuries or occupational illnesses. Workers’ compensation is a compromise of benefits and limits for both employees and employers.

The benefits and limitations for employees are:

  • No need to prove fault. Employees do not have to prove their injuries or illnesses are due to the negligence of their employers – unlike personal injury claims. In fact, employees can generally receive workers’ compensation benefits even if their negligence causes a workplace accident.
  • Medical expenses. Employers are required to pay all the workers’ medical bills for as long as the employee needs healthcare to return to work and for as long as the employee needs healthcare to keep their condition as stable as possible.
  • Wage payments. Employees generally receive 2/3 of their average weekly wages while they are out of work and receiving treatment from doctors. Some adjustments are made if an employee can return to work for less pay than before any injury or illness occurred. We’ll explain how long employees receive their 2/3 share of their wages.
  • Special loss benefits. Employees are entitled to additional pay if they have a qualifying disability. Our Shrewsbury workers’ compensation lawyers will explain how you qualify and how long you receive benefits.
  • Death benefits. The families of any worker who is killed during the scope of their employment can receive funeral and burial benefits and 2/3 of their loved one’s average weekly wages. We’ll explain how long these benefits last and which family members are eligible.

The benefits and limits for employers are:

  • Income loss benefits. Employers generally only pay 2/3 of the employee’s wages instead of 100 percent – subject to caps and time limits.
  • Pain and suffering. Employees are not entitled to pain and suffering from their employee if they have a workplace injury or an occupational illness.
  • Selection of doctors. Employees must choose the doctors who will treat them from a list/panel of doctors preselected by the employer – for up to a minimum of 90 days.
  • Additional remedies. Employers can require that employees undergo an independent medical exam and an impairment evaluation under certain conditions. Employers can also request a vocational interview and assign a nurse case manager.

Am I eligible for Pennsylvania workers’ compensation benefits?

Pennsylvania employers are required to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their employees but not for independent contractors. You’re generally considered an employee if an employer can control when and how you do your job.

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, “nonprofit corporations, unincorporated businesses and even employers with only one employee must comply with the Act's requirements.”

If you are ineligible to file, however, you still have legal options. We can assist you with a personal injury claim instead.

African American mechanic engineer worker is choosing copper tub

What benefits does workers’ compensation provide?

Our Shrewsbury workers’ compensation lawyers are skilled at obtaining the benefits you deserve. Pennsylvania workers’ compensation benefits include:

  • Your medical expenses. These expenses include emergency care, surgeries, hospital stays, physician visits, physical therapy, occupational therapy, vocational therapy, and other types of rehabilitative therapy. Your employer should also pay for your medications and any assistive devices like prosthetics.
  • Your lost income. As discussed above, employees generally receive 2/3 of their average weekly wages while they’re obtaining medical care so they can work again. The wage amount, in 2024, is capped at $1,325.
  • Specific loss benefits. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry provides that “If you have lost the permanent use of all or part of your thumb, finger, hand, arm, leg, foot, toe, sight, hearing or have a serious and permanent disfigurement on your head, face or neck you may be entitled to a specific loss award.”
    • For example, per Title 77 of the Workers’ Compensation Act “For the loss of a first finger, commonly called index finger, sixty-six and two-thirds per centum of wages during fifty weeks. For the loss of a second finger, sixty-six and two-thirds percentum of wages during forty weeks.”
  • Death benefits. Spouses, dependents under 18, full-time students, and others who qualify can claim workers’ compensation if a family member dies as follows:
    • Up to $3,000 in funeral expenses
    • 2/3 of the average weekly wages of the worker

Does Pennsylvania workers’ compensation cover my illnesses and injuries?

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (PDL&I) states that almost every type of workplace injury that occurs during the scope of an employee’s job is covered. Workplace injuries include spinal cord damage, head trauma including traumatic brain injuries, burns, fractures, back and neck pain, nerve injuries, overexertion injuries, and many other injuries. Other injuries that should be covered include repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.

Occupational illnesses include certain diseases that are work-related. Our Shrewsbury workers’ compensation lawyers work to show your illness:

  • Occurred while you were exposed to the disease while working.
  • The “occurrence of the disease is substantially greater in that industry or occupation than it is in the general population.”

Some diseases are recognized as occupational diseases. PDL&I lists the following examples:

  • Tuberculosis and hepatitis for nurses, blood processors, and related professionals who are exposed to these diseases.
  • Disease of the heart and lungs for firefighters who have four or more years of service.
  • Pneumoconiosis and silicosis for any occupation that involves direct contact with or exposure to coal dust.

What should I do if I’m hurt while doing my job in Shrewsbury?

Employees do need to notify their employer quickly. Generally, employers must be notified:

  • Of death due to a workplace injury within 48 hours
  • Within 7-10 days of an injury covered by workers’ compensation
  • Within 21 days of the accident to receive retroactive benefits

Employees who wait 120 days or more may not be eligible for benefits. We’ll explain the time limits for notifying your employer and the time limits for filing a formal workers’ compensation claim.

When do workers’ compensation benefits terminate?

Our Shrewsbury workers’ compensation lawyers work to keep your benefits as long as possible. Your benefits could be suspended or terminated if you:

  • Don’t follow your doctor’s advice
  • Fail to complete any exams like an independent medical exam, functional capacity evaluation, or vocational interview
  • Accept a lump sum settlement
  • Are incarcerated
  • Agree to end your benefits in writing
  • Are ordered to do so by a job
  • Return to work at your pre-injury/illness wages or for higher pay
  • Your partial disability 500-week period has ended

How do you help me obtain workers’ compensation in Shrewsbury?

Our Shrewsbury workers’ compensation lawyers advocate for injured and ill workers in many ways including:

  • Confirming your eligibility
  • Providing proper notices
  • Confirming your average weekly wage
  • Verifying your medical expenses
  • Working with your doctors to show the medical treatments you need and when (and if) you can return to work
  • Helping you switch physicians
  • Explaining what happens at an independent medical exam, a functional capacity exam, and a vocational interview
  • Explaining the role of a nurse case manager
  • Negotiating lump sum settlements
  • Contesting any attempts by your employer (or the employer’s insurance company) to suspend or terminate your benefits
  • Helping show you qualify for special loss benefits
  • Helping show you qualify for death benefits

At KBG Injury Law, we represent clients on a contingency fee basis. That means we only get paid if your claim is successful. The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act authorizes up to 20% in contingency fees.

Do you have a Shrewsbury workers’ compensation lawyer near me?

Our Shrewsbury work injury lawyers meet injured employees and families at York office located at 2121 S Queen Street, right off I-83. We consult with clients by phone and video. If your work injury or illness prevents you from coming to our office, we’ll arrange to meet you at your home or a healthcare center.

We’ve helped many workers like you obtain their full workers’ compensation benefits.

Speak with our experienced Shrewsbury workers’ compensation lawyers today

You need to be healthy to work and provide for yourself and your family. You need to be healthy to enjoy your life. At KBG Injury Law, we’ll help you provide the notices you need to give your employer and file your claim with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. We’ll help you with independent medical exams, functional exams, and nurse case managers. We’ll fight to ensure you return to work when you’re healthy, not when your employer needs you. To schedule a free consultation, please call us or fill out our contact form. Our Shrewsbury workers’ compensation lawyers maintain offices in York, Lancaster, Hanover, Harrisburg, and Gettysburg for your convenience.