
Mechanicsburg Car Accident Lawyers, PA

Accomplished representation for injured Pennsylvania drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and bicycle riders

Many interstates, US routes, and local roads cross through Mechanicsburg including Interstate 81 and Carlisle Pike. While these roads may have different traffic conditions and different speed limits, they all share the fact that car accidents are likely to happen. At KBG Injury Law, our lawyers hold drivers accountable for speeding, drunk driving, distracted driving, and other acts of driver negligence. Our Mechanicsburg car accident lawyers have 40 years of experience fighting for anyone injured by a motor vehicle. We also represent families when a car accident tragically takes the life of a loved one. Our personal injury lawyers have an exemplary record of success in car accident cases. Let us help you today.

Did you know?

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation reports that in 2022, 1,179 people died and 4,751 people were injured in traffic accidents statewide.

What are the causes of Mechanicsburg car accidents?

Some of the many causes of car accidents in Mechanicsburg include:

  • Distracted driving. Too many drivers text while driving, use a smartphone to talk to friends, eat, drink, look at a GPS, and do things that take their eyes off the road, minds off traffic, and hands off the wheel. Our Mechanicsburg car accident lawyers understand how to hold these irresponsible drivers accountable for the accidents they cause.
  • Drunk driving. There’s never an excuse for drinking and driving. Driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs should be held accountable.
  • Speeding and other Pennsylvania traffic violations. Speeding is dangerous for many reasons. Speeding drivers cannot brake in time. Many speeders drive through red lights, yellow lights, and stop signs. The faster a car travels, the greater the impact on collision, which means more severe injuries and fatalities.
  • Driving too fast for conditions. Drivers are liable for crashes they cause when they drive too fast in bad weather and when traffic is congested.
  • Driver fatigue. Tired drivers should get off the road for as long as it takes to be fresh and focused – whether it’s a short rest or staying in a hotel overnight.
  • Driver inexperience. Teenage drivers often cause accidents because they fail to anticipate dangers and do not know how to respond when an emergency occurs. Parents are generally liable for the accidents their teens cause with the parents’ car, whereas trucking companies may be liable if you are injured in a collision with a truck.
  • Defective car parts. We hold car part manufacturers accountable when defective tires, brakes, steering columns, electrical systems, seatbelts, airbags, and other car parts fail to work properly.

How do your attorneys advocate for the victims of Mechanicsburg car accidents?

KBG Injury Law handles these key parts of car accident claims.

Liability for car accidents

Our Mechanicsburg car accident lawyers work with investigators, the police, and traffic reconstruction experts to show how your accident happened. We question everyone who has knowledge of your accident through written questions (interrogatories) and oral questions (depositions).

We can file claims against every responsible party including the driver, the driver’s employer, the owner of the vehicle that caused the car accident, a manufacturer of defective car parts, a seller of alcohol to a driver who was visibly intoxicated, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and other defendants.

Compensation for car accident victims

Our accomplished personal injury lawyers demand compensation for all your damages, including your current and future:

  • Medical expenses. These bills include ER care, hospitalizations, surgeries, physician visits, rehabilitative therapy, medications, and assistive technology.
  • Lost income. Car accident victims can claim compensation for all the wages and income they lose and the value of their lost benefits – for as long as they cannot work.
  • Pain and suffering. This includes all your aches, pains, worries, stresses, trauma, anxiety, and depression.
  • Scarring and disfigurement. Many car accident victims may also require therapy or counseling to help adjust.
  • Loss of consortium. This amount is to compensate both spouses for the inability to enjoy marital relations.

We may also demand compensation for any loss of bodily function and any loss of quality of life.

We seek wrongful death damages on behalf of the family when a car accident in Mechanicsburg tragically takes the life of your loved one.

What types of car accident claims do you handle?

Our Mechanicsburg car accident lawyers handle every type of car accident including:

  • Head-on crashes
  • Rear-end accidents
  • Broadside (T-bone) crashes
  • Passing and merging accidents
  • Single-vehicle accidents
  • Multiple vehicle accidents
  • Intersection accidents
  • Rollovers

What types of injuries do your Mechanicsburg car accident lawyers handle?

At KBG Injury Law, we represent victims of catastrophic, permanent, and serious injuries such as:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord damage including paralysis
  • Third-degree burn injuries
  • Broken bones/fractures
  • Traumatic amputation/loss of any body part
  • Nerve, ligament, muscle, tissue, and tendon
  • Back, shoulder, and neck injuries
  • Lung, kidney, and other types of organ damage
  • Internal bleeding and organ damage
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Hearing and/or vision loss

Our Mechanicsburg car accident lawyers work with your treating doctors and our network of physicians to verify your injuries, explain what medical care you’ll need, determine the cost of your care, and review every way your life is more difficult due to your injuries.

What should I do after a car accident happens?

The priority for anyone involved in a car accident in Mechanicsburg is to determine what emergency medical aid and transport is required. If you call for an ambulance, the police should be alerted. If you don’t call for an ambulance, call the police anyway. The police should ask for each driver’s license, registration, and insurance information.

If possible and it is safe to do so, you or someone with you should take photos/videos of the accident site, the damaged cars, and your injuries.

You should contact our Mechanicsburg car accident lawyers promptly. We can discuss your rights and legal options. We can help you notify your own insurance carrier. We can handle every part of your claim.

What is the time limit for filing a Pennsylvania car accident claim?

Accident victims and the families of anyone who died in a car accident have two years from the date of the accident to file their claim. There are some exceptions, such as claims against the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, where the time limit is just a matter of months.

You should contact our office immediately. We can send investigators to the accident site, review your medical needs, answer your questions, and start the claims process.

Do you have a Mechanicsburg car accident lawyer near me?

KBG Injury Law meets car accident victims and families at our Lemoyne office located at 717 Market St. Our attorneys, when necessary, make arrangements to meet clients away from the office. We also offer convenient phone conversations and online video conferences.

We can help you through this difficult time. Many car accident claims do settle. When insurance companies are unreasonable, we are always ready to argue your claim in court.

Speak with an experienced Mechanicsburg car accident lawyer now

Most car accidents are preventable. When your life is turned upside-down, you have the right to hold the responsible parties accountable. For nearly 40 years, KBG Injury Law has been working to do just that – hold negligent drivers and others accountable for injuring drivers, passengers, pedestrians, bicycle riders, and families. Please call us or complete our contact form to schedule a free consultation. We handle car accident claims on a contingency fee basis – we only receive compensation if you do. KBG Injury Law maintains offices in York, Lancaster, Hanover, Harrisburg, and Gettysburg for your convenience.

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