R Elliot Katherman

R. Elliot Katherman

Practice Area: Personal Injury

Elliot Katherman knows how insurance companies operate: He began his legal career representing insurance companies. However, he became disgusted with the companies' "settle claims for as little as possible" philosophy when he walked out of a courtroom one day. In a jubilant mood after winning a case for his insurance company/employer, Elliot looked across the street and saw the teenage boy who had lost his fight against the insurance company. The boy was permanently disabled, and he would not receive a dime because of Elliot's legal prowess. That day, Elliot vowed to fight for the rights of the victims in accidents, not to protect the pocketbooks of insurance companies.<

A native of York, Pennsylvania, Elliot earned his law degree (magna cum laude) from Duquesne University School of Law. He is a member and past president of the York County Bar Association. Elliot is considered one of the premier personal injury, wrongful death and workers' compensation attorneys in the York, Pennsylvania area.

R Elliot Katherman